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Calibrite ColorChecker 3-Step Grayscale

Calibrite ColorChecker 3-Step Grayscale
Calibrite ColorChecker 3-Step Grayscale
Vejl. udsalgspris   587,00 Kr.
  • Pris pr. stk ved køb af 1 Stk584,00  Kr.ekskl. moms og miljøbidrag
Forventet leveringstid: 5 Hverdag(e)
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Beskrivelse af Calibrite ColorChecker 3-Step Grayscale

  • Simplify camera and studio lighting balance with this three step gray-scale target for performing quick colour adjustments and evaluating studio lighting conditions. The ColorChecker 3-Step Grayscale includes the white, 18% gray, and black reference patches found in the 24-patch ColorChecker Classic, all on a single full-sized card. Use it to capture accurate colour before your photo session or video shoot, and save yourself editing time and effort afterwards.

    On site, use it as the first reference shot in a photo series or video footage to instantly correct colour by balancing on the mid-tone gray value. In the studio, use it to evaluate exposure and balance between main and fill lights to quickly set up the proper lighting ratio, and to set white balance. The ColorChecker 3-Step Grayscale target also provides reference values for adjusting colours within most common photo or video editing software packages, allowing you to make quick colour adjustments.

    The ColorChecker Grayscale is scientifically engineered to provide a precise, uniform surface that is spectrally neutral (reflects equal amounts of red, blue and green) in all types of lighting conditions.

    Use it for a variety of applications:
    Digital Photography: Check images, set white balance and verify exposure and balance between main and fill lights
    Film Photography: Check films, lights, filters and paper
    Filmmaking: Set exposure; check colour bias for cameras and lights A full-sized target including the white, 18% gray, and black reference squares found in the 24-patch ColorChecker Classic target, which are scientifically engineered to provide a precise, uniform surface that is spectrally neutral (reflects equal amounts of red, blue and green) in all types of lighting conditions.
    On site, use it as the first reference shot in a photo series or video footage to instantly correct colour by balancing on the mid-tone gray value. In the studio, use it to evaluate exposure and balance between main and fill lights to quickly set up the proper lighting ratio, and to set white balance.
    The ColorChecker 3-Step Grayscale target also provides reference values for adjusting colours within most common photo or video editing software packages, allowing you to make quick colour adjustments.
  • Specification

    Number of Targets: 1
    Number of Colour Patches: 3
    Target Size: 215.9 x 279.4mm
Læs Brochure(r) 
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    Det kan nu tilbydes med Hahnemühle Studio Enhanced, som er et 210 grams mat papir som er lavet af 100% alfa cellulose.

    Hahnemühle Studio Enhanced har en glat overflade med lidt struktur og dine print på dette papir får en fremragende farvegengivelse og skarp opløsning, som giver udtryksfulde billeder.

    Bredde: 111,8 cm (44")
    Længde på rullen 30,5 m
    1.112,00 Kr. ekskl. moms og miljøbidrag
  • Calibrite ColorChecker Gray Balance
    The ColorChecker Gray Balance is the largest size available Gray balance card in the range, it’s the same size as the ColorChecker Classic Target at 215.9 x 279.4mm.
    Using the ColorChecker Gray Balance card for reflective spot exposure metering will give you the confidence that your images will be exposed as accurately as possible. The ColorChecker Gray Balance card is the larger size version of the 18% grey reference square in
    460,00 Kr. ekskl. moms og miljøbidrag
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