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NCS Atlas 2050

NCS Atlas 2050
NCS Atlas 2050
  • Varenr.: 98213 - Lev. nr.: NCSG033
  • NCS
Vejl. udsalgspris   3.837,00 Kr.
  • Pris pr. stk ved køb af 1 Stk3.837,14  Kr.ekskl. moms og miljøbidrag
Forventet leveringstid: 1 Hverdag(e)
Obs! Levering fra fjernlager kan tage 1-3 dage ekstra.
Vores lagerstatus:På lager
Fjernlager status:0 stk. på fjernlager
Ring til os: 36 86 80 80

Beskrivelse af NCS Atlas 2050

  • The multifunctional tool for point-of-sales, colour training, customer guidance or as an office tool. The ultimate tool for colour navigation and a must-have for colour professionals.
    • Offers a complete representation of the NCS Colour Space.
    • The National Standard in Sweden SS 19102:2022 and Norway NS-SS 1910.
    • International ASTM Standard (E2970) on the Practice for Specifying Colour. Referred to as the National Standard of Spain and South Africa.


    Each NCS 2050 Standard Colour is represented by a mounted colour chip, positioned on its relationship to the colours in nuance and hue. The chips are organized based on the position of each colour in the NCS Colour Space.


    Complete with the NCS 2050 Standard Colour range. In other words, a total of 2050 colours covering the human visuality of colour.


    • NCS 2050 Standard Colours.
    • 40 NCS Colour Hue pages, with up to 79 colour chips per page.
    • Each page is arranged in nuance order and features the relationship between colour and lightness.
    • 1 page with neutral and tinted greys.
    • 3 pages with tinted white colours.
    • SIS Standard page SS 19102:2022 in 7 languages.
    • Functional binder designed to easily flip pages.
    • Quick navigation with tabs separating the colour sections.
    • Black exclusive fabric cover (Brillianta).
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    10,00 Kr. ekskl. moms og miljøbidrag
    (12,50 Kr. )
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