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NCS Index 2050

NCS Index 2050
NCS Index 2050NCS Index 2050NCS Index 2050NCS Index 2050
  • Varenr.: 98212 - Lev. nr.: NCSG031
  • NCS
Vejl. udsalgspris   1.512,00 Kr.
  • Pris pr. stk ved køb af 1 Stk1.322,50  Kr.ekskl. moms og miljøbidrag
Forventet leveringstid: 5 Hverdag(e)
Ring til os: 36 86 80 80

Beskrivelse af NCS Index 2050

  • The most popular NCS Colour product used by colour professionals and enthusiasts globally. NCS Index 2050 is a fan deck that includes all 2050 NCS Standard colours. A highly optimised colour sorting based both on user preferences and the NCS Colour Circle, which makes it easy and quick to find the right colour.


    • 2050 colours.
    • Large colour samples (22/26 mm).
    • Sorted by hue, based on the NCS Colour Circle.
    • A protective elastic band keeps the fan deck neatly folded when not in use.
    • Most used low chromatic white, grey and black colours in one separate section.
    • Smart navigation in the top corner of each page.
    • NCS Notations printed on each of the colour samples.
    • Matte laminated paper cover.


    People generally start with the hue when looking for a colour "Am I looking for a lime green, a yellow or orange?"
    • The NCS Index 2050 offers therefore a hue-based sorting, following the NCS Colour Circle, to allow navigation among the 2050 colours quick and easy.
    • Within each hue-section (piece of the pie) the colours are arranged by nuance, following the NCS Colour Triangle.
    • The nuances go from low chromaticness to high chromaticness (from pale to strong).
    • In the flow from top to bottom, the colours are sorted by increasing blackness.
    • White and pure colours are positioned at the top and deeper shades at the bottom.


    For low chromatic colours, people generally change the principle by which they search for a specific colour. For whitish and greyish colours, the nuance of the colour is much more significant than the hue. Therefore, all low chromatic colours are sorted by nuance and can be found in the first section of the NCS Index 2050.


    • Large colour samples (22 mm).
    • Top sample slightly larger (26 mm).
    • NCS Notations printed in silver on top of colour stripes.
    • Hue navigation and page number in the top of each page.
    • NCS Triangle and Circle at bottom of the page.
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    10,00 Kr. ekskl. moms og miljøbidrag
  • NCS Index 2050 Protective cover
    82,50 Kr. ekskl. moms og miljøbidrag
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