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X-Rite eXact 2 XP

X-Rite eXact 2 XP
X-Rite eXact 2 XPX-Rite eXact 2 XPX-Rite eXact 2 XPX-Rite eXact 2 XPX-Rite eXact 2 XPX-Rite eXact 2 XP
  • Varenr.: 99414 - Lev. nr.:
  • XRite
Vejl. udsalgspris   52.518,00 Kr.
  • Pris pr. stk ved køb af 1 Stk50.426,47  Kr.ekskl. moms og miljøbidrag
Forventet leveringstid: 15 Hverdag(e)
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Ring til os: 36 86 80 80

Beskrivelse af X-Rite eXact 2 XP

  • Like eXact 2, eXact 2 Xp offers first-to-market Mantis™ and Digital Loupe technology. Using the same intelligent "two clicks or less" touch screen interface, eXact 2 Xp can quickly collect color data, present on-screen visuals, and connect with QC and ink formulation software via Wi-Fi to simplify color workflows. On-board NetProfiler, a blend of software and color standards, identifies and corrects color drift, ensuring consistency between devices.
    eXact 2 XP

    Support for Poly, Film and Foil Substrates

    eXact 2 Xp makes it simple to measure substrates such as film, poly, and foil backed by white opaque. The polarized filter ensures consistent measurements, regardless of how the device is oriented to the sample.

    Quickly Scan M0, M1, M2, M3 in a Single Measurement

    The eXact 2 Plus can easily toggle between spot and scan measurements using integrated wheels and patch recognition technology, speeding up measurement by 17%. eXact 2 Plus simultaneously measures M0, UV included/ISO 13655:2017; M1, D50/ISO 13655:2017; M2, UV excluded/ISO 13655:2017; and M3 - Polarization/ISO 13655:2017.
    eXact 2 XP

    An Integrated Ink and Print Workflow

    Quickly collect and visualize your color data to find the information you need when you need it. All eXact 2 models offer on-screen, embedded quality control and quality assurance capabilities and simplified ink workflows. Work faster and more securely anywhere in your facility with onboard WiFi. eXact 2 Xp is optimized for polarized substrates, such as film, poly, and foil with white opaque.
  • Specifications

    Aperture: 1.5 mm, 2 mm, 4 mm or 6 mm
    Battery: Lithium Ion, 3.63VDC, 4750mAh
    BestMatch Feature: Yes
    Calibration: Automatic on integrated white reference
    Color Differences: CIE ?E* (1976), ?ECMC, CIE ?E* (2000), and CIE ?E* (1994)
    Color Spaces: CIE L*a*b*, CIE L*C*h°
    Communication Interface: USB-C; Wi-Fi
    Connectivity: USB-C; Wi-Fi
    Density Range: 0.0 D – 3.0 D
    Density Standards: Status A, E, I, T and G
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